Tuesday 5 January 2010

Standing ovation(ish)

Encouraging start. Passed the £1,000 milestone today. Only £8,865 to go.

Things are looking even better in terms of commitments. My good friends N&T - those who took me over the line (301209 post) - put in place a piggy bank in which they are putting £1 per run. I will be allowed to it when I reach 1,000km.

Started to carve my runs to 100 meter spells; this will bring the total to a cool £10,000. They should have thought of that (ha ha ha).

The no-dry-eye-in-the-house moment of the last few days was when MBBS (My Best Beloved Son) who is 4 1/2 came over and said "I want to sponsor you for charity dadda" and handed me two £1 coins. In terms of share of wealth this is by far the biggest contribution - he had £6 in his money box.

Paid my bi-weekly visit to TVP (Oracle UK HQ) today. The reaction to my new year's resolution was extraordinary. 2 people came over to shake my hand. A few more nodded approvingly when I passed by.

For you Americans reading this blog, this is the British equivalent of an office-wide standing ovation!!! The exclamation marks are, again, for you Americans. Sent a warm feeling through my spine though - nothing to sneeze at in this weather.

Just came back from a paltry 5km run. To my defence, it is 8pm and snowing.

Only 975km to go.

Thanks everyone for the great support.


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