Tuesday 26 January 2010

For the sake of generations to come

Well, I should probably write about the Chilcot Iraq inquiry. It touches on the most profound moral and legal issues in relationships between nations. To make it even more Hollywoodic, there is a hero / anti-hero in Tony Blair, whose personal story embodies these issues. The drama will reach its peak Friday when Blair faces the inquiry. He will surely need to pull off the most incredible rope-a-dope to survive it. This is his rumble in the jungle.

And still, I feel compelled to address a more urgent issue. The alarming possibility of Andy Murray winning a grand-slam. As you may be aware Murray thoroughly dispatched Raphael Nadal this morning in the quarter finals. Nadal, one of the best tennis players of all time, preferred retiring in the 3rd set rather than suffer a humiliating blow to his reputation. Seriously, it is looking like Murray is in with a shout.

"So, what's wrong with that?" you might ask. Well, I will try to answer without digressing to a eulogy of The Man RF. The problem is Murray the man, not the tennis player. Have you ever seen him? He is The Most miserable git ever. All sulk. No fun. No charm. No grace.

Just imagine Murray winning. Suddenly he will be touted as the most important Brit since Nelson. Churchill? Lady Diana? Turin? Nope. Murray. And if he is the role model for kids around the country, what kind of place can we expect? A nation of miserable, angry, sulking people. No fun. No charm. No grace.

So please, for the sake of generations to come. May he lose!

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