Saturday 20 November 2010

The Slava

MGF M is celebrating the Slava (Слава) tomorrow - the Serbian Orthodox tradition of the ritual celebration, veneration, and observance of a family's own patron saint. Sounds very devout, doesn't it? In reality the Slava is a humongous, day-long food & drink fest.

The Slava revolves around a pig. The pig itself revolves - over the grill, which in turn is smoking from the dripping fat and is fuelled by the vapour of alcohol in the air. The alcohol in turn is absolutely necessary in order to dissolve the proteins. As MGF M would say: "Can you believe this cake? Not 12, not 24 but 36 eggs!" And not any alcohol. I've made an effort you see. It has to be a Rakija - a clear fruit-based distillation: Sljivovica - plum, Lozovaca - grape, Viljamovka - pear, or Jabukovaca - apple. And lots of it.

Now, M takes this very seriously. He has a glass of Rakija for every one of his guests. You'd imagine that's a lot. More than 100 guests easily translates to more than 100 shots. And it is A LOT. The thing is, he has a shot with every shot he pours to any of his guests. And that's a number so big I do not have enough space for here. How he ends the evening standing God only knows. I guess his family saint is looking after him.

PS 930km down 70km to go.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the cake has 48 eggs!
    YGF M expects you to match him shot for shot this evening and articulate, in Serbian, the name of the rakija you have just consumed.
    See you in a few hours.
