Monday 16 August 2010

How much is a year worth?

Part 4 - The Americans, or at least one or two of them, say "time is money". Always doubted that. And still, if time is money, it raises the question: "exactly how much"? Is a minute worth a penny? A pound? A tenner? Never thought I'd find the answer. Until I met MOB a couple of weeks ago.

You see, MOB recently had his 20th wedding anniversary. When going for a gift for HBH he went for the obvious, yet-not-cliched option: rocks. Tower of London style rocks. It should be said HBH was delighted. Unreservedly. Until she met their snooty neighbour (SN):

SN: "Oh, nice earrings!"
HBH: "Ta"
SN: "What's the occasion?"
HBH: "20th wedding anniversary"
SN: "Oh" with an expression of compassion
HBH: "Why oh?" with raised eyebrows
SN: "Well, 20 years . . . that's at least 5 carats!"

So now you know it. A year of marriage is worth 1/4 a carat diamond, or in market prices £1,000 pounds. Having been married for 13 years I feel rich already.

PS August 11th 665kn down. 335km to go.

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