Saturday 28 August 2010

Bloody technology

It's 22:29 on a Saturday night and Match of The Day started 4mins ago. Since I am writing this post you probably realise that I am not watching it. Why? It is not that I have better things to do. In general, there aren't many anyhow. MoTD is one of life's more relaxed moments. So why then? They call it Virgin Media now, but deep inside it's still NTHell. Bloody set top box died on me. No worries. An engineer is on the way . . . . in 4 days!

The problem is we expect things to work. I did not even make a plan B. And, believe you me I am not alone in relying on technology. Take MBH. A few weeks ago she and the 2 bigger little ones went to watch Toy Story 3. I was with the 3rd little one and was picking them up after the movie. Like a trained terrier I waited in the car outside the Everyman. And waited. And waited. 40mins after their ETA I got a muffled call from MBH: "I can't talk. Come and pick us up. We're in Primrose Hill". So I did. As I pulled over next to them I lowered the passenger's window only for MBH to throw her shiny new iPhone into the car as if it were a ballistic missile shouting: "This f***ing piece of s***!!!!!!"

The kids' silence was deafening. A double of not-to-be-uttered words. Naturally, MFBD reacted first: "You can't say that. You deserve an 'onesh' (which is Hebrew for punishment for kids)! You are not allowed to eat salad for an entire month!". Now, any one who knows MBH knows MFBD was hitting her where it hurts. A month without salad for MBH is like 24 hours without oxygen for me.

Anyway, the reason for MBH losing it was the mobile dying on her. She had to find a phone booth and, as any Londoner knows, phone booths are for drugies. And pervs.

You see, we've become dependent on technology. We take it for granted and genuinely struggle when it does not work. Too dependent in my opinion. I often feel like giving it up for a while. Maybe spend a few weeks without mobiles, TV or Internet. And still, if I have to be honest, and I am not really happy about having to, I bet I will miss it all within a day or two.

PS 710km down. 290km to go.

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