Saturday 15 May 2010

Sibling rivalry?

And now to the Labour leadership contest. In the Red corner, Ed "Global-Warming" Miliband. In the Grey corner, David "Hilary-Fancy's-Me" . . . . Miliband. So, is this a classic case of sibling rivalry? Are we looking at the Noel and Liam Gallagher of politics, only with the vowels dropping properly? In my devious mind I am hoping: possibly even worse. How wonderful.

You see, the Manchurian siblings are, how should I put it, not very sophisticated. Lots of 2-fingered gestures and 4-letter words. The Milibands I can only imagine are more subtle. More likely to drop a bit of arsenic in the G&T when the other is not looking. Devious backstabbing is always more fun.

Alas, as MGF G would have said, I just don't see it. If David Miliband had a even an ounce of steely cruelty in him he would have taken Brown out a year ago. Brown was at his most vulnerable: an un-elected automaton with not a single iota of charisma in his body. Worse, he was the chancellor who declared the end of Boom & Bust and then led the country to the worst Bust in 60 years. If DM had it in him he would have shot Brown in a dark alley and given his party a chance to stay in power.

So, you may be thinking, the fact that David doesn't have it in him doesn't mean Ed doesn't. True. However, if only one of them is a backstabbing duplicitous conniver, it just won't be any fun. That's why I am struggling to take this sibling rivalry seriously. I don't buy it. Rather, I am smelling a bit of a rat.

Here's why. You see, the worse thing that could happen to David Miliband, as he will have learnt from Brown's experience, is being crowned as Labour leader without a proper contest. With Alan Johnson - a charismatic, genuine, authentic, experienced and well-liked union leader - ruling himself out, Ed represents the only credible challenge to David. With all due respect to Ed Balls, he is more of a bully's bully than a credible party leader. So Ed Miliband has thrown his hat in the ring to help David gain legitimacy by winning good and proper. More brotherly love than sibling rivalry. How dull.

PS Just back from my 50th run. 410km down, 590km to go.

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