Saturday 11 December 2010

My friend Carl used to say . . . .

My good friend Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz used to say that attack is the best form of defence. He didn't really, although until a few minutes ago I was convinced he did. Shows you how much I know. He said a much more profound thing, that war is merely a political instrument, not a break from political relations. Not going to bore you with that though.

Actually, the concept of pre-emptive strike originated, in all likelihood, in America - it appears already in the writings of George Washington. In 1967 Israel executed it to perfection. Nasser, the Egyptian president, expelled the UN forces from the Sinai and blocked the Straits of Tiran which are, for Israel, a vital supply route. Israel acted decisively, thoroughly defeating its enemies/neighbours in less than a week. I guess that's why they call it the Six-Day-War? A very successful pre-emptive strike resulted in hubris, 43 years of occupation (and counting) and with it the complete loss of the moral high-ground.

It isn't only an American-Israeli thing though, pre-emptive strike. As we've learnt a couple of weeks ago thanks to Wikileaks, the Saudi King thought it wasn't a bad idea either. King Abdullah didn't mince his words:"Cut off the head of the snake" he suggested to the Americans referring to Iran. I guess having someone else do your pre-emptive strikes for you is advantageous - you will not be the one your enemy will retaliate against. Clever.

Clever also is MGF S. Not that I'd like to dwell on it but . . . we invited S&M and the kids for breakfast this morning. 10am we said. Not that I'd like to dwell on it but . . . I went out for a run at 8:30am on a Saturday to ensure I was back and showered by the time they got here. I was. Not that I'd like to dwell on it but . . . they arrived, after much prodding I might add, at 11:40am. Exclamation marks galore.

Now, you'd expect S to be a bit sheepish, slightly apologetic or maybe even remorseful, wouldn't you? November Foxtrot Whiskey. Coming from the Washingtonian school of thought she stormed in, slapped a cake on the table and announced: "I baked you a cake, now don't ask me to apologise any more!" At least, unlike King A, she didn't send someone else to do it for her.

PS 990km down. Only 10km to go.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! Tasty cake, though, eh?! Hope to see you all for breakfast tomorrow? If not, all the best for the final 10km ... xx
