Sunday 24 October 2010


It rarely happens but, sometimes, every few years, you stumble upon perfection. Sometimes it is the weather. An early June evening, and you are sitting in the garden and the sun comes from behind the clouds and showers you with warmth. Other times it is a passage you read in a book that takes you back to a time and place which are described exactly as you remember them. Often times, it is food. A taste, scent and texture that complete each other and create an experience you did not expect. It is never the complex creation of a 3-Michelin-star-rated chef. Perfection in food is, for me, invariably simple.

And it happened. Today. I was starving. Back from a run and after 10 hours since I last ate. Anything at all would have been lovely. And yet, it was so much more: a sandwich.

1/2 baguette ancien from Le Pain Quotidien - slightly darker and chewier than the normal baguette. One half with very little olive-oil-based mayo, salame cinghale (wild boar), fresh mozzarella, wild rocket and lots of fresh ground pepper. The other half with Spanish olive oil, Jambon de Bayonne - sweeter and softer than prosciutto di San Danielle but not as nutty as Pata Negra, and the same mozzarella, rocket and pepper.

Not worthwhile talking about it. Can't do it justice if I wanted to. Do try it at home though.

PS 870km down. 130km to go.

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