Sunday 3 October 2010

The big day

As you know, I am raising money for the NSPCC. Thought it would be a good idea to get my emp0loyer to pitch in. You know, big American firms have a Social Responsibility (SR) agenda. The larger your profit margin, the rational goes, the more you need to contribute back. The emphasis in the last sentence is on the word 'need'. Not 'want', 'should' or 'ought'. Need. The idea is that if you are making outrageous profits, sooner or later, society will turn against you. If, however, you are contributing a lot to society, that will subdue the rage and contribute to long term revenues. Or, in financial terms: NPV(Charity)>0.

So, I went to my employer's SR lead to find out what I needed to do to get them to loosen up their purse strings. The answer was that I had to organise a team event with other employees. Well, I did. Today I participated in the reinstated O2O 10k race, sponsoring the NSPCC. More than 300 people participated - I was number 311 you see. Amongst them 4 of my colleagues: G, B, R and MGF V who brought the team together. So, I would like to thank you all for making it to Reading at 8am on a rainy Sunday morning and joining me on the muddy bank of the Thames. I hope the donation from our employer will make it all worth it.

PS 810km down. 190km to go.

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