Thursday 25 February 2010

Wedding bells

MGFs S&A got married today!

Been a while since I last heard "know not of any lawful impediment".
A lump-in-my-throat moment hearing S&A make their vows. At our age you know they mean them in a way they never could have if they were 25 (and, for the record, for all I know S is not a day older than 25). I think they both feel lucky to have found each other. I know I feel grateful having them as MGFs.

Helped MFBD build a model of a WWII Spitfire the other day. As we were painting it I was considering adding notches to mark the number of enemy planes the pilot shot down. Got me thinking about my wedding band. Should we not have notches on the wedding band? An x for every child, a v for every 10 years of marriage. Would have 4 notches on my band on that count.

Shared this - admittedly extremely deep - idea with a colleague who had a 9th wedding anniversary the other day. He said: "you're right, we can no longer add notches to our bed-post"! Never had a bed-post myself, but still. Anyway, I guess we'd all like to think we are still as attractive as we were 20 years ago. In reality, being married merely protects us from the realisation of how unappealing we probably are. The notches on the wedding band are the only ones we can honestly hope for.

So S&A, congratulations on this very happy day. Lots of notches to come.


1 comment:

  1. I can honestly say I have enjoyed your posts immensely, they are varied, witty and erudite. However I worry that you have lost your way a little. I can see one mention during February of the distance run, and no running total...for those of thus that love statistics this is no fun! Are you on target?
