Saturday 12 June 2010

Half way there

So, just finished another 10km and reached a major milestone - 500km. Those of you betting on me quitting, I hope you put a lot of money on it. A great feeling being half way there, or as we say in Israel: "flipping the record". Not those from the Guinness book of records but those black vinyl discs with music on them. For you younger ones, my cooler friends told me they are the stuff DJs "scratch". I wouldn't know.

So, midway, and I can say that taking on my 1,000km challenge and raising money for the NSPCC was the best decision I made all year. Personally, it gave me an out from the day-to-day. Whatever happens during the day is put in perspective during the run. And, more importantly, doing a bit of charity work genuinely gave me a different outlook. The niggling discomforts of life seem much smaller when you stop focusing on them. Similarly, the good things in life feel much bigger and are more appreciated. The added benefit is that it had a similar effect on my kids.

Anyway, still a lot to go. Hope it will go as smoothly as it did so far, tfu tfu tfu (that's me spitting to ward off the evil eye). So, 500km down. 500km to go.

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