Friday 26 March 2010

We'll always have Paris

Those of you who've been reading this blog religiously may remember MBH's argument against holidaying in the UK. The short of it is: whatever the UK has to offer is more complicated than, not as exciting as and more expensive than . . . Paris.

This is indeed a faultless argument, assuming one actually goes on holiday. Now, I know many of you do. Some of you rather often indeed. For me [and this is a true "get your handkerchiefs out" moment] it's been a while. So, when MBH identified the perfect time to go on hols - half term that falls only 2 days after the end of my employer's year-end - there was no point to argue. We are off to Paris! And a great joy it is too.

Prepare, L'Epi Dupin. Beware, Pierre Herme. Despare Musee Rodin. We're coming.

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